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The MagCast Bobsled Run

A Lightning Fast Course on Digital Magazine Publishing

Example MagCast Digital Magazine Covers
Your magazine can look this good, too.

If you've been thinking about starting a magazine and have been looking for How-Tos on Google and YouTube, this is the course you've been looking for.

This is the go fast, have fun, get bugs in your teeth way to learn magazine publishing—fast.

Before we get into what's included, let's get price out of the way.

The first class is just $1.

In these sessions you'll learn how to go from Big Idea to having live apps in the App and Play Stores.

Each class is about 90 minutes, held live in Zoom, and taught by two of MagCast's owners, who've been publishing successful digital magazines atop MagCast for more than a decade.

The Bobsled Run is $147, all sessions and replays included, or you can check out the first session for only $1.

Spend the $1. See if it's right for you. Then decide if you're going to continue.

Class 1:
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All 5 Classes:
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Here's just some of what you'll learn:

  • How to choose the BEST niche for you
  • Establishing your editorial focus
  • Mastering your editorial calendar
  • Pricing (You can charge more than you think!)
  • Setting your publishing cadence (monthly, quarterly, etc)
  • Sourcing premium content without paying writers
  • Cash-free promotional relationships
  • The pre-launch funnel that delivers Day 1 sales
  • Building your post-launch marketing sequence
  • The magical 1-page doc that lets you do deals BEFORE you're even live

Hear what publisher Len Wright says about MagCast.

Class 1:
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All 5 Classes:
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Participation Bonuses:
[These are all included as bonuses for enrolling... just what you need to make your magazine come to life.]

  • Professionally Designed Magazine Assets (reg: $297, now included!):
    • Magazine cover design for inaugural issue
    • Device home screen icons
    • Masthead design & font selection
    • Splash screens
  • Private 1x1 strategy consult (reg: $297, now included!)

The course material and Participation Bonuses give you everything you need to put your Big Idea into action.

How good is the Bobsled Run?

The last time we ran it, 108 people enrolled, and all 108 finished the entire course.

Keep in mind, too, that every one of them was a novice, brand new to magazine publishing.

Here's what one publisher said of her experience (this is a direct quote):

"I just had no idea. I mean I thought I had an idea. I thought I had THE idea.

"And, I mean, I did, but really I didn't.

"I totally understand now what I was about to do wrong and what a HUGE mistake I was about to make.

"I'm so grateful I found you guys."

Wildlife Photographic Magazine
Wildlife Photographic Magazine has been publishing with MagCast for over a decade.

The nature of the course is to let you go as fast as you like.

The classes encourage you to embrace going fast and making mistakes without fear.

You'll have fun and learn how to do things the right way.

And, since the replays are always available, you'll be able to go back through the material at your own pace.

The aim is to get you the tools, know-how, and confidence to launch your magazine in 2024 AND to position it for continued growth.

Let's change the trajectory of the new year.

Here's how it works...

Each "Run" consists of five classes.

You can attend live, catch the replays, or both.

They run Tuesday and Thursday for 2½ weeks.

Starts at 1PM PST.

As a MagCast Bobsledder, you get:

  1. Instant access to any replays you missed
  2. Access to all future live sessions within your Run
  3. Access to all future Runs/Sessions for an entire year

Meaning: You go as fast as you want.

And, anytime you feel like you want a refresher you can repeat as often as you'd like... it's all included.

Class 1:
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All 5 Classes:
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Full Class Schedule

Class 1: January, 16, 2024 1PM PST

  • Getting the real-world benefits of owning a magazine (even before your first issue)
  • Niches that work; niches that don't
  • Embracing and getting past new publisher anxieties
  • Avoiding the 9 mistakes new publishers make
Session 1 Goals: See if publishing is right for you. Set yourself up for success.

Class 2: January 18, 2024 1PM PST

  • Selecting your own niche
  • Naming your magazine
  • Pricing your magazine
  • Editorial promise
  • Publishing cadence
Session 2 Goal: Get a clear picture in your mind's eye about your magazine's direction.

Class 3: January 23, 2024 1PM PST

  • Becoming an idea factory
  • Sourcing great content
  • Choosing great photos
  • Creating a mockup cover
  • Mastering your editorial calendar
Session 3 Goals: Get to the "working concept" phase. Learn how to publish your magazine without doing everything yourself.

Class 4: January 25, 2024 1PM PST

  • Representing your magazine before it's live: The one-pager
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Outreach strategies & tactics
Session 4 Goal: Prepare for your magazine's launch.

Class 5: January 30, 2024 1PM PST

  • Monetization: go beyond issues & subscriptions
  • Running a media business
  • Q & A / Wrap-Up
Session 5 Goals: Plan your monetization. Build your growth roadmap.

The Super Duper Triple Bonus
If you're not yet a MagCast member, we'll (more than) 3x your Bobsled Run investment!

While this promo lasts, every dollar you spend on the Bobsled Run will be (more than) tripled in a discount on your MagCast membership.

Register for the full Bobsled Run, and you'll get a $500 credit towards your MagCast Membership.

Class 1:
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All 5 Classes:
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